Saturday, July 10, 2010


Well the economy may or may not be improving depending on who you listen to. Jobs may or may not be improving depending on who you listen to. Probably a whole host of things may or may not be improving. If you are like me, it really doesn't matter who you listen to, something just feels decidedly wrong.

There just seems to be no end to potential problems out there. The economy, employment, housing, our education system, the oil spill and other environmental worries, and it seems to me that under the surface there seems to be bit of racial tension bubbling up. Starting to seem as though we may never get beyond that. Just plain bad karma-I don't know what else to call this period in time. I am just north of 50 years old and can honestly say I don't ever remember a time like this. Whether or not we are in an economic depression, as has been posited by some very smart folks, something is most definitely wrong in America. I think that most of us can feel it even if we don't admit it.

I feel that we as a society are in decline. Tommy over at Freedom Guerrilla has a nice rant about this. His blog is always a good read but his latest is a cut above. It is hard to put your finger on our problems until you realize that it isn't just one problem or five or twelve but it seems as though everything is wrong. Everywhere you look the story is "it's all about me". It is pervasive. All ages, races, ethnicities,etc. NO ONE seems to give a damn anymore about anyone but themselves. Whether we go down the tubes in six months or six years or six decades, the fact is we ARE going down the tubes. We have become so shallow, with our heads so far up our collective asses, that I simply don't have much hope anymore. I mean, talk about the head up the ass-on local talk radio today there was still advice on flipping houses. Millions are hungry and unemployed and hopeless and we're talking about flipping houses. WTF.

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